Sunday, September 16, 2012


A couple recent acrylics. This scanner does a horrible job with them, not to bad on Rye (the dog) but destroyed the colors and shading of the demon goat. Anyways, here they are! 

This is Rye, a friend's english setter. Balfour loves him, and he loves Mia. Anyways, thank you Claire for letting me steal you picture as a reference! 

And my demon goat. I based it's mane and fluff off of Balfour. Crazy I know. Anyways, the scanner cut off the bottom but oh well not that important anyways. I tried to give it pupils but it just looked too normal so I made it a blind demon goat. And no, demon is non synonymous with evil! Actually this started out as a tribute to Lorne from Angel. But it grew away from symbolizing him... Lol! I'll just have to do the dragon line art Bewildermunster sent me. I feel like I need more practice though before I do those details!