Saturday, August 4, 2012

Old Stuff

Here it goes! Some of these I love, most of these I only somewhat like... Tis the ordeal of an artist to dislike their own work. ;P

These first two (both watercolor) are directly from references. Hence no copyright signature.

 These are mostly from my own references, the backgrounds were all made up because the ones in the pictures sucked though. No references on these because I hadn't decided on what I wanted it to look like yet when I did them.

Lexi the Shiba Inu in watercolor.

Ball Happy: Watercolors

Same dog as the previous watercolor, because I loved this dog.

This one was done mostly from reference with picture owner's permission. Skimo in acrylics!

Next ones completely from imagination, possibly with some reference guides of my own (pictures). Again most don't have my signature because I hadn't decided on one yet.

One of my favorites, not because of technical skill but because of the stripes and the horns/teeth. I love this guy. :D Watercolor!

Watercolor and ink pen.

Acrylics, another favorite for the concept.

A minion from Redwall in ink pen. Textured background in watercolor with alcohol and salt for texture by Jessica/Bewildermunster!

I wish the rock came out better. Had no idea what I was doing with the background for the longest time. Watercolor!
Next two sketches from my imagination, references used very loosely.

A character from a group Bewildermunster and I are playing with. More on them later!

Coyote, only used a reference for tooth structure though with a different species so it's probably off anyways. :P

And last two creative commons references used, but only for the main animal.

A pyrenees like my baby, guarding a flock of sheep. Acrylics. Dang clouds are hard!

Starling done in watercolors and metallic sharpie, the real life version isn't so messy looking the scanner highlighted that.

So there's my old work! Only uploaded the ones I actually like lol. No job yet and blistering hot out so I should have lots of time for art in the next couple days!

Friday, August 3, 2012

A sketch

I have a feeling I will soon be at war with my roommates' printer/scanner. It LOOKS like it should be a good one, but it leaves patches of blurriness and random streaks of light or dark! Maybe it has just been too abused but I get very impatient with scanners whom refuse to portray my art correctly. Anyways, I do have some art to show which is somewhat new, which I will post first.

Obviously the anatomy is way off to be a wolf so use your imagination. Next up will be some old art work that I just want on my art blog.